Blogging, What ever

How come I don´t follow you?

If you have pressed follow button on my blog I think most of you expect a follow back.

Usually I always follow back, when someone following my blog.

But some of you don’t have a follow button under your name that shows up in my notifications.

When I click on your name I end up on wp’s own site or on a empty inactive blog.

What can you do about that?

Check your profile settings that you have the right linkaddress to your blog.

If you want me to follow you back, pleas give me a link to your blog so I can find you 🙂

I have one more not following reason.

I cleaned up my blogs I follow list recently. I think I loosed some of you then.

Please tell me if you miss me as a follower. I may have erased you by misstake.

It is always nice to read your blogs, so I really don’t mean to not follow your blogs.

Happy blogging!



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