Blogging, drawings, What ever

We need Heart of stones sometimes

A while back ago I wrote a post about stone hearts. You can find it here:

Heart of stone? | FärgaregårdsAnna

In the comments I found this:
DoesItEvenMatterWhoIAm? says:

At times it is ok… nay it is necessary, to have a heart is stone, so long as you can change it back when the time calls for it.

I answered:

Well said. I agree. You actually gave me a idea to a drawing. Thanks!
DoesItEvenMatterWhoIAm? says:

Oh goody! Please show me when it is completed! I would love to reblog it once you are done. I love seeing your art!

I now have a finished drawing that might live up to the beautiful words that gave me the idea.

What do you say?


Sometimes you need a heart of stone

18 thoughts on “We need Heart of stones sometimes”

  1. No stone for me. My heart may have been broken more than I care to think of but each fracture has made me who I am and that isn’t so bad. It has also made me more perceptive to those who are in pain. 🙂 x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Melanie (see the first comment above) gave me the idea to this drawing. I agree, sometimes it feels just like this drawing 🙂


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