Pastel paintings, What ever

Never stop create!

Found a beautiful post at Harsh Reality that reminds me again of the importance to never stop someones creativity. Always encourage such thing as drawing, painting, writing or other art-forms if the person feeling good when doing it.
We don’t have to be champions in creativity. But we must allow our selves and others to create no matter the results. It is a mind journey both for kids and adults who create something. Don’t disturb those journeys, they are life supporting and fun too 😉
Hittade ett underbart inlägg på bloggen Harsh Reality, som påminde mig än en gång om vikten att alltid uppmuntra skapande i olika former. Målande, tecknande, skrivande eller något annat konstnärligt. 
Vi behöver inte uppnå mästarklass. Vi behöver bara tillåta oss själva och andra att skapa utan att bry oss om slutresultatet. Skapande handlar om att resa i tankeuniversum. Stör inte de resorna, varken för dig själv eller andra. De resorna håller dig och andra vid liv för utom att resorna roar både för stunden och för evigt 😉 kan ni läsa en artikel om hur barn och vuxna målar tillsammans och hur deras målningar ser ut. Underbara målningar om ni frågar mig 🙂
In the swedish website you can se photos of paintings made by children and adults together in a project for that lasted for seven weeks.



18 thoughts on “Never stop create!”

  1. What you said-We don’t have to be champions in creativity. But we must allow our selves and others to create no matter the results.-
    Wow! Thank you for this.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. As we grow older, must lose their creativity, nonetheless other get trapped within their childhood, most times the reason are negative, however with myself they were very negative, but i would not change a moment.. For the simple reason i wouldn’t be where i am today, which is not a great place as many people see, however they have not lived the life i’ve lived..

    Today is a walk in the part, even though most was negative, still a walk in the park!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I say the same. If it wasn’t for everything both good anad bad that happens along the way, I wouldn’t be who I am, and I don’t want to be anyone else 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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