What ever, Yellow fellows

Nature is speaking

Can we people seriously assert our intelligence when we are well into the 2000s still think the world revolves around our ego-axis and not around the planet?

Kan vi människor på allvar hävda vår intelligens när vi långt in på 2000-talet fortfarande tror att världen snurrar kring vår ego-axel och inte kring planetens?
Can we seriously argue that we have great insight of all things present when we still consume the world’s resources without any thought of not disturbing the cycle. We seem to only think in terms of growth and consumption, do not at all mean the same thing as regeneration and recycling.

Kan vi på fullt allvar hävda att vi har stor insikt alltings varande när vi fortfarande konsumerar upp jordens resurser utan minsta tanke på att inte störa kretsloppet. Vi verkar bara tänka i termer tillväxt och konsumtion, som inte alls betyder samma sak som återväxt och kretslopp.
Can we really claim that we keep the focus on essentials when we seem fully occupied with invading countries, defend the country, extracting oil and break stones? We do not seem to have understood nothing of all life on earth has the same right to stay on our planet.

Kan vi verkligen hävda att vi håller fokus på väsentligheter när vi verkar fullt upptagna med att invadera länder, försvara länder, utvinna olja och bryta ädelstenar? Vi verkar inte ha förstått någonting av att allt liv på jorden har samma rätt att vistas på vår planet.

In a series of films, nature has given voice, saying all that we should have understood long ago. We humans, who tells us to be so enlightened.
I en serie filmer har naturen fått röst och säger allt det där vi borde ha förstått för länge sedan. Vi människor, som säger oss vara så upplysta.

See the short film when Mother Nature speaks with Julia Roberts’ voice. Never before has humanity seemed so small and insignificant and nature so grand and powerful.

We can choose to be part of nature and interact with it or put us next to and believe that we can rule over it. What do you choose?

Se kortfilmen när Mother Nature talar med Julia Roberts röst. Aldrig har mänskligheten framstått så liten och obetydlig och naturen så storslagen och mäktig.

Vi kan välja att ingå i naturen och samspela med den eller ställa oss bredvid och tro att vi kan härska över den. Vad väljer du?

In my pictures below, I have chosen to dress Mother Earth in human form to show how badly we make Mother Earth with our conflicts and consumptions.

Do we really want to hurt Mother Earth like this in the future?

I mina bilder nedan har jag valt att klä Moder Jord i människogestalt för att visa hur illa vi gör Moder Jord med våra konflikter och resursutvinnande.

Vill vi verkligen göra Moder Jord så här ont även i framtiden?






16 thoughts on “Nature is speaking”

  1. Beautiful post Anna 😀
    I agree that we need to take much more care of our world. The big problem is, how we get through to the leaders in our world for them to understand. A big job.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Not only we are filthing up our planet Earth, we are littering outer space too! There’s a lot of junk floating in space!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Amen! Our gluttony is stripping the earths lifeline and destroying it for future generations. I fear for what my children and their children may have to face. And, to the poster who asked, “are we listening?”, I say “NO”, we are not.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Maybe we don’t have enough time to wait for politicians to realize that we should have act yesterday. I think we all have to change now. It’s not easy but it’s necessary 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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