Blogging, What ever

Baking day last day of the year

One of you, my wp friends wrote a post about baking donuts a while ago, maybe I read it in the beginning of December or the end of November. But I don’t remember who wrote the post, I am so sorry. I wanted to give credit to the one who inspired me to try baking dinuts. The post made me go look for a Swedish recipe and I found this:

That post made me go for trying baking donuts. First and second time it turn put well and this third tine today also went well.

Jim wants pics, so here they come:



I didn’t say they look awesome, but they taste good anyway 🙂
Have a great new years celebration even if you choose to stay at home and even go to sleep before 00:00.


25 thoughts on “Baking day last day of the year”

    1. Thanks and I wish you and your family the same. This year I’m glad to leave. Very much sad news around me, so I hope 2016 will be a year of joy and happiness for all 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

        1. Thanks. I’ve been okay, but people around me get sick and dying a little to often I think. But that’s how life is. Have a great new years eve. Are you ready for the kids invasion?

          Liked by 1 person

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