Blogging, Challenges, Photographs, Reblogs

How’s your day?

Evening time in Trosa couple of weeks ago

Morning time the other day, still January but no snow left, all is grey and dark and rainy

I want Spring with light mornings, birds singing and some warmness. NOW!

How’s your days over at your place? 

Make a post and leave a link in the comments.

This blog have visitors from about hundred countries in a year. We should be able to get reports from all over the world!

Greetings from Sweden 🙂


36 thoughts on “How’s your day?”

    1. Thanks, yes visiting blogs are travelling around the world. I have never been to Hundred acre wood that often before I started the active blogging 🙂 “pling”


  1. Windy day here today in Manchester, UK. But nothing like what the islands to the north-Orkney and Shetland, are experiencing. Near 100mph gales. We may possibly have snow tomorrow. January nears its end 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. It was sunny today! Not too cold with the snow still on the ground. Right now it’s night 7:20 pm and I’m getting hot, going to go open the west window. It gets dark at 6 pm now instead of 5 pm.

    Liked by 1 person

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