Photographs, Trosa is the place, What ever

Colorful Trosa

Our oldest parts of my town Trosa seems to be color matched.

Just look at this.

The red part (and yes, it’s a deer running around in the street)

The yellow part

The gray/green part

Have a nice day 🙂


22 thoughts on “Colorful Trosa”

    1. Thank you so much. Yes I hope the politicians realize that it’s 2016 and greedy road building us unfashionable and stupid. We need to take better care of our planet than building more roads.

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  1. Visite Wikipedia para conocer más de Trosa. Hasta la familia real hace estancias en ella. No me extraña. Muy bello. Casas rojas, casas amarillas, el río Trosa, las barcas…y ciervos por la calle. Lol. 😊

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  2. Hello Anna… I just wanted to let you know that I nominated you for the One Lovely Blog Award. You can check it out on my blog if you like. Wishing you and yours a good day. Thank You 🙂

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