Nature miracles, Photographs, Trosa is the place

New alarm clock?


This time of the year, we know for a fact when Spring has arrived here in my town Trosa, Sweden.

We get a new alarm clock. Very efficient, very hard to ignore, but also impossible to control.

I’m talking about the seagulls. The come here every Spring, making noise all over town and eventually settle down on the chimneys to build nests to raise their kids when they come.

Seagulls never seems to sleep. They shout out early in the morning before sun goes up and late in the evening when no one wish alarm clocks making noise. Maybe the sleep in daytime you think. Noooooo! They shout and scream all day too.

No, I’m not actually complaining. Somehow I like the seagull sounds. They reminds me of Summer and archipelago. I can almost imagine I hear the sea waves and feel the sea breeze. I like that.


27 thoughts on “New alarm clock?”

  1. Ah I also love those summer sounds. Birds, lawn mower, chainsaws, children playing. Some call it noise but I like it.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You are right. Our seagulls moves into town during kidseason, when the kids can fly they move back out to archipelago again. They want to stay away from the sea eagles when they have kids, I think.

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    1. Birdsong is nice, but seagulls are very loud and their sounds echoes very much here in town. Out at sea their volume is more adapted to the environment 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I do not like them! Fiskmåsarna skränar utanför mitt fönster större delen av dygnet. Dessutom är de hemska när de har ungar och attackerar om man inte ser upp! Jag bor bara ett 100-tal meter från kajkanten vi norra Vättern, så det är insjö. Annan fågelsång uppskattar jag men inte fiskmåsar! Dessutom tömmer de papperskorgarna längs strandpromenaden.
    (Den andra fågeln jag inte gillar är Kattugglan – av samma orsak. De för oväsen nattetid!)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Jag vet vad du menar med fiskmåsarna! De bor mitt inne i stan här och när ungarna kommer ner från taken är föräldrarna ganska besvärliga eftersom de vaktar sina ungar med aggressivitiet. Ungarna är ju söta, men de skräpar ner nåt otroligt. Förra året åt räven upp ungarna. Ja, vi har räv mitt inne i stan också!


  3. Beautiful Anna! I too took the time to enjoy the nice weather we have been having here in Vancouver BC 🙂 It’s starting to feel like summer here already and it’s only April! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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