acrylic, What ever

Limiting man…

…do not belong to one of the better ideas mankind has invented. At least not in the artistic sense, for example. Trying to tie the creative soul diminishes us immensely as people. It will always stand up and prove that the little people who are trying to bind does not have enough power to do that,

Att begränsa människan…

…tillhör inte en av de bättre ideerna mänskligheten har hittat på. Åtminstone inte i den konstnärliga meningen till exempel. Att försöka binda fast den skapande själen förminskar oss oerhört som människor. Den kommer alltid att resa sig upp och bevisa att de små människorna, som försöker binda fast inte har tillräckligt med kraft att göra det,
Den här bilden får fortsätta reaktionen, som tog sin början i Free Falkholts Övermålning, se tidigare inlägg nedan.



19 thoughts on “Limiting man…”

  1. This one is terrific and very true. That “limiting” is why my wife changed careers years ago. She was a commercial artist right out of college and she hated having limited to no creative license. Everything she presented to clients was picked apart, altered, or criticized. She said it was like having handcuffs on.

    Liked by 3 people

        1. You can do that to a limit, but then you have to set the creativity free, I think. But on the other hand, one have to eat too, and that often requires money 🙂

          Liked by 2 people

  2. Tying the creative soul, what f*** are they thinking!

    Has humanity lost it’s mind?


    1. Probably. I saw this comment now. Wp don’t always show comments in notifications. Sorry for not answering earlier:)


      1. You have certainly inspired me over and over. There are two collections of poems just waiting to be written each from a different one of your paintings… 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

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