Digital paintings, Nature miracles, Photographs, Trosa is the place

Kayak morning

Kayak mornings are like heaven on earth. To be in nature silence watching all greatness and feel you can be a part of that miracle is an experience I truly cherish.

I live in Trosa archipelago very near Askö nature reserve. It’s always grand nature experience kayaking in this area.

Almost no wind makes paddling easy and very soundless.

Bokö/Askö island

No words needed for this view, or?

Baltic sea , seaweed.

This little Island in the middle gave me the idea to this picture:

Archipelago candy, jelly rats 🙂

Kayaking is one of my favorite things, can you see why?


19 thoughts on “Kayak morning”

  1. Why should I have my … illness? I want also get out. Perhaps not on the see, I do not like any forms of thing you sit in on the water from a very little “eka” to a big fary. I am afraid of it. But the nature, forest, little tarns. I like swimming. But it is an utopic (is this the right word for Swedish utopi?)
    Your photos is just wonderful and your painting too. I really loved them all. I could really feel the morning in my body when I see them.
    Thank You, Anna!
    Hugs ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for all your kind words. I wish you one day find a way to get out to your favorite nature spot. Nature should be available to everyone 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Nej det verkar inte så, såg igår att jag lajkat något lustigt recept jag råkade se när jag kollade in andra sidor…..tror att detta är ett stort problem som WP inte vill kännas vid…
        Därför tar jag mina lajks lite med en klackspark- det kanske i själva verket bara är ett fåtal som verkligen läst och varit inne här hos mig…..
        Verkar i alla fall inte klokt!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Nej det verkar konstigt. Kanske har deras system kopplat ihop fel trådar så att den som verkligen trycker gilla inte har några gilla och de hamnar på dig istället? Underligt är det.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Ja, jag fattar fortfarande inte någonting…men det verkar ju inte vara mycket att göra åt det. Jag avvmarkerar om jag upptäcker det!

            Liked by 1 person

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