Challenges, drawings

Art Should Not Depict Reality…

I read an inspirering qoute from one of Swedens famous artists.

“Konsten ska inte skildra verkligheten, den ska protestera mot den! Konst och kultur ska ställa frågor och motfrågor, vända upp och ner på begreppen, skava och bråka, så att medborgaren får en överraskande, ny vinkel på sina frågor och åsikter.”

“Art should not depict reality, it should protest against it! Art and culture should be asking questions and counter-questions, turn upside down on the concepts, abrade and make a fuss, so that the citizen gets a surprising new angle to their questions and opinions. “

Marianne Lindberg De Geer

If you can read Swedish you can check this newspaper article, where I found the qoute:

I agree completely with this qoute 🙂


10 thoughts on “Art Should Not Depict Reality…”

  1. I kind of agree too Anna. Art should come from the sole of the artist and say something that needs to be said. It can be said in whatever manner the artist devises. This is not photography.

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