Blogging, Digital paintings, Reblogs

Hey! where’s Thumbup?

Have any one of you heard from Thumbup?

For the few of you who don’t have seen Thumbups gif comments, she’s a gif queen here at wp. When she’s not around the wp comment fields gets less funny. I do appreciate all your comments, but Thumbup always come up with funny, cute or smart gif comments that makes me smile. Your comments makes me smile too, but if you know Thumbups way of talking here at wp, you know what I mean.

If you haven’t seen Thumbups blog you can check it out here:
Made a Thumbup picture last year when she liked Jims castle tour.

Here you can see the posts that made me do this drawing.

I hope Thumbup’s coming back soon 🙂


27 thoughts on “Hey! where’s Thumbup?”

      1. I really hope she’ll be back soon. Her gifs really are so funny and always spot-on. And I like browsing her blog with her quirky sense of humor ;-D

        Liked by 3 people

  1. When you first posted this I was away
    And I was using my phone to blog
    I’m home now
    I went looking for thumbs up
    she is off line
    Yes her site was pulled
    I’m not sure why exactly
    It said something about a violation
    That’s about all I know
    Everyone should write a post asking wordpress why
    As always Sheldon

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Your alive! Welcome back. We all missed you 🙂
      If you read the post in browser the like button don’t always upload. It’s irritating and I don’t know what to do. It’s wp’s thing to fix.


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