Blogging, Music inspiration, What ever

Sounds of silence

Check out one of my wp friends new blog.

She writes beautiful Swedish poems, mostly about how hard life can be as young and no one understands you. You probably remember times like that from your youth or maybe you are in such state your self right now.

In both situations you will recognise her words as your own thoughts. Some people are amazing at writing words about exactly how it is. She has an extraordinary talent for this, I think.

Even if you don’t understand Swedish I think you can translate her words to your language.

I hope this young girl one day find a happy spot to make a writing living at and that we all then can say, hey we knew and supported this talented author from the start and now she’s a writer that everybody reads around the world 🙂

Pay her blog a visit and give her a like if you like what you read.

And with a blogname like that and the age I have, of course there’s only one song that fit this post ending. I never get tired of this song.


32 thoughts on “Sounds of silence”

  1. I like her blog because she writes only in Swedish. Normally, I would use a translator because I don’t speak the language. But the fact that she is not willing to compromise tells me she has something important to say, so I’ll have to start learning. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Good point. If you have questions about the Swedish language let me know, maybe I can help. She writes beautiful in Swedish, so she’s doing the right thing to keep writing in Swedish.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. I found a cover on the sounds of silence song that are really good. Didn’t know it was possible for anyone else than the S&G to do that song great.

    Liked by 1 person

        1. Ortada için dile çevirmek için çalışıyoruz. Google böylece birbirimizi anlıyoruz bunu yapabilir tercüme eğer biz göreceğiz 🙂

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Ayyy ne guzel yazmissin yaaa yeriim bıdı bıdı cevirmis haklisin dogru aklima gelmedi bende translate kullanicam 😊❤❤

            Liked by 2 people

  3. This is one of my all time favorite Simon and Garfunkle Songs. The Nouela version and video was touchingly beautiful.
    I visited your friends blog. Though I don’t read Swedish, I loved her sketches! Thank you for the recommendation.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. She followed me earlier. I visited and noted she didn’t post in English. I tried learning a little Swedish last year but fell away. Maybe I should pick it up again. I will follow her.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. If you have questions about the Swedish just ask away. It’s not the easiest language to learn. But some words are actually quite the same as English.

      Liked by 1 person

            1. Hehe. We have another fun double meaning word. Our number six is in Swedish sex, and yes it means that too. Not confusing at all!!!!

              Liked by 1 person

  5. Anna! Jag hittar inga ord för att tacka dig! Alltså du har stöttat mig från nästan 2 år nu. Första bloggen när jag precis skulle radera min blogg så du dykte upp i min kommentarsfält och då stannade jag och behöll min blog för att jag blev så glad att läsa din kommentar och då förtsättw jag att skriva. Jag kommer att skriva eftersom du alltid finnns för mig. Du ska veta att jag är tacksam att ha dig i mitt liv. Hoppas att jag kan vara hjälpa dig också någon gång precis som du hjälper mig!❤❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tack! Fortsätt att skriva, du gör det så bra. Jag har upptäckt att om man får göra saker man gillar och är bra på får man bättre styrka att må bra. Jag målar och då mår jag bra. Sen går det bättre att orka igenom jobbiga saker. Så jag hoppas att ditt skrivande en dag hjälper dig att få uppleva flera bra saker än vad du kanske gör idag. Lycka till med nya bloggen 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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