Challenges, drawings

No 19 drawing in my goals for 2017

The people in the spacehip that lost the track in space with no chance of saviour slowly get older and they finally die. But the story I take inspiration from describe the process of being older and then die like a slow transformation into a forever living star in the universe.

So that’s what I try to picture in this drawing. A beautiful lady turns old by gradually turn into a star and become a beauty in universe impossible to sort out from all other stars.

She see the light and then become one with light. She dreams of the earth like it was the time before humans made it impossible to stay on the planet and therefore had to leave.

She will be missed by those who try to find her star in universe.

I like the idea of us turning into stars when we’re finished here. The greek mythology is about stars too I think. So the thought is not new.

I have over 80 more drawings to do before I reach my goal, but I keep drawing as long as I think it’s fun. 


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