Music inspiration, Nature miracles, Photographs

Den blomstertid nu kommer – Flower time

Around this time in Sweden blooms in every corner of nature. It’s is stunning beauty everywhere.

A Swedish old hymn describe this time very well. So well that the hymn is a standard hymn in every graduation. 

My favourite version of the hymn is a soul/funk/blues version from the 80’s with Lill Lindfors and Nils Landgren. They first sing it as it too often sounds at graduation day. But then they do their own version and that version rock!

If you want to understand the words in the song you can read a google translation of the hymn below the Swedish lyrics.

Den blomstertid nu kommer

Lyrics by Israel Kolmodin

Den blomstertid nu kommer
med lust och fägring stor.
Du nalkas, ljuva sommar,
då gräs och gröda gror.
Med blid och livlig värma
till allt som varit dött,
sig solens strålar närma,
och allt blir återfött.

De fagra blomsterängar
och åkerns ädla säd,
de rika örtesängar
och lundens gröna träd,
de skola oss påminna
Guds godhets rikedom,
att vi den nåd besinna
som räcker året om.

Man hörer fåglar sjunga
med mångahanda ljud,
skall icke då vår tunga
lovsäga Herren Gud?
Min själ, upphöj Guds ära,
stäm upp din glädjesång
till den som vill oss nära
och fröjda på en gång!

English translation

The flower time now comes
With pleasure and celebration great.
You’re coming, sweet summer,
Then grass and crop grows.
With gentle and lively warmth
To all that has died,
Say the sun’s rays approach,
And everything is regained.

The beautiful flower beds
And the precious grain of the fields,
The rich herb beds
And the green grove of the grove,
They will teach us to recall
The wealth of godliness,
That we grace that grace
Which lasts all year.

You hear birds singing
With multitude of sounds,
Do not our tongue then?
Loving the lord god
My soul, exalt the glory of God,
Tuning up your joy song
To the one who wants us close
And rejoiced at once!

And the Swedish flowers from nature

Liljekonvalj – Lily of the valley

Gullviva – Cowslip Primula veris

Mandelblom – Meadow saxifrage/Saxifraga granulata

Midsommarblomster – Wood cranesbill

Skogssmultron – Wild strawberries

21 thoughts on “Den blomstertid nu kommer – Flower time”

      1. Wasn’t that awesome? It’s funny, but when we were kids, we couldn’t wait to be grown-ups. Now that I am one, I wish I were still a kid. Adulting is way overrated. 😃😃

        Liked by 1 person

        1. I agree! Nobody told me about all grownup stuff that’s not fun. They just pretended grownup was great to be because you can decide for yourself. Ha what a lie! But I grow back down whenever I can and that’s still fun.

          Liked by 1 person

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