Digital paintings, Music inspiration, Pastel paintings

Walpurgis Night Valborg

Today we celebrate Walpurgis night in Sweden. Ancient tradtion as far as I know.
I made a rockpainting of a fire and some singers in white student hats.

This video show a very common kind of celebration. A big fire and student singers that sing songs welcoming the Spring.

This is the Swedish lyrics of the song they singing.

Längtan till landet
Vintern rasat ut bland våra fjällar,
drivans blommor smälta ner och dö.
Himlen ler i vårens ljusa kvällar,
solen väcker liv i skog och sjö.
Snart är sommarn här i purpurvågor,
guldbelagda, azurskiftande
ligga ängarne i dagens lågor
och i lunden dansa källorne.
Ja, jag kommer! Hälsen, glada vindar,
ut till landet, ut till fåglarne,
att jag älskar dem, till björk och lindar,
sjö och berg, jag vill dem åter se.
Se dem än som i min barndoms stunder,
följa bäckens dans till klarnad sjö,
trastens sång i furuskogens lunder,
vattenfågelns lek kring fjärd och ö.
Herman Sätherberg (1812-1897)

And here’s a

Google translation

The longing for the country
The winter rained out among our mountains,
the flowers of the drift melt down and die.
Heaven is smiling in the bright evenings of the spring,
the sun awakens life in forest and lake.
Soon, summer is here in purple waves,
gold-plated, azure-changing
lay the meadows in today’s flames
and in the grove dance the sources.
Yes I am coming! The good, happy winds,
out to the country, out to the birds,
that I love them, to birch and winds,
lake and mountain, I want them to see again.
See them than in my childhood moments,
follow the brook’s dance to cleared lake,
the song of the trast in the pine groves,
the waterfowl play around the bay and the island.

Swedish lyrics Herman Sätherberg (1812-1897)

Happy Walpurgis night!

Ha en hänryckt Valborg!


This is an old drawing of the Walpurgis night from old Trosa tradition that no longer are.

25 thoughts on “Walpurgis Night Valborg”

  1. Here Walpurgis Night is the night when witches gather together for a ride on their broomsticks.
    About time I polish mine and get out. It’s full moon on top of it 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Here the witches gather together thursday before Easter evening and day. Hmmm I wonder if they were heading south and arrived at Walpurgis night at your place? It sounds like the same tradition, but at different holidays.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Quite likely. Thursday before Easter actually makes a lot of sense, too. And there is always a full moon!

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Maybe it’s the witches from Sweden that took of Thursday before Easter evening. They fly to “Blåkulla” which in german would be blauberg maybe. Can it be the same tradition in the beginning that in the end got to different holidays in our countries?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you Anna, you inspired me to get on and do a post again. We used to read about Walpurgis Night in a horror story or scary version of Red Riding Hood! But it seems it is a very hope giving celebration.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Yes it is. We celebrate Spring is finally coming. We who are allergic to pollen certainly knows that Spring is here. But it’s nice anyway that Spring comes I think.

          Liked by 1 person

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