
Morning drawings Morgonteckningar August 5-6 2018

Two cooler mornings with temperatures around 15 C and not 22 C at 4:30-ish time. It feels good, but also a little sad. Fall is soon here and summer is probably over. That went very fast. Then again, the forecast says it’s gonna be 30 C again soon in the days.

Failed to draw clouds and the mirroring in water. But I will try again next time.

Not entirely satisfied with this either, but morning drawings are practice, not perfect drawings. The main thing is to have fun when drawing 🙂


27 thoughts on “Morning drawings Morgonteckningar August 5-6 2018”

  1. PLEASE, don’t rush the winter! it is 37 C here and I would miss that. I am a total Summer person. However, the years have helped me to find positives in Autumn and Spring. For me there will never be happiness at the thought of Winter. As for your work, I LOVE IT! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

            1. You are a treasure my friend! 🙂 Now I am back to another battle with people who do not spay and neuter their cats! Of course that is another of our blogs… 😉

              Liked by 1 person

    1. My old ipad is in a blue tone mood. Bad camera. As for the drawings, I’m too lazy to bring more than one pen with me in the mornings when I sit down somewhere and draw what I see.

      Liked by 1 person

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