Photographs, What ever

Kayak evening – kajaker i skymning

When I was thinking it’s time to sleep I saw these two kayakers out at sea the other night.

När jag började tänka  på läggdagstid härom kvällen fick jag syn på dessa paddlare. 

A perfect kayak evening. No big waves and nature silence. Peaceful.

En perfekt kajakkväll. Spegelblankt vatten och naturens underbara tystnad. Fridfullt.


13 thoughts on “Kayak evening – kajaker i skymning”

      1. yeh but we have global warming and sharks are moving further and further north and they’d take one look at me and think “Mmmmmm! Corn fed and well marbled! Nom, nom, nom!”


        Liked by 1 person

        1. Maybe, but first they will go after the politicians that we might want to feed them with if the sharks get here 😉 “pling”


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