What ever

Noooooo not yet!!!!!! Neeeeej inte än!!!!!

Minus 0,5 C is 31,1 F. It’s still September and that’s a Fall month here. Or should be at least. I’m not ready for minus degrees yet. Some parts of Sweden up north already have minus degrees five days in a row and that means winter in meteorology terms. Brrrr!

Minusgrader redan i september. Det bådar inte gott. Jag har inte lust med tidig vinter. Längre norrut har de redan vinter per meteorologiska definitioner. Brrrr!


21 thoughts on “Noooooo not yet!!!!!! Neeeeej inte än!!!!!”

  1. Ungefär som här alltså … inget kul, men det blir snart mildare igen! Ja, … eller det brukar i alla fall bli mildare igen, så vi får hoppas det! Jag vill definitivt inte har vinter är på lääänge!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I morse var det 10 C igen. Det är bättre. Jag tycker mig ha sett att svampen gillar temperaturer mellan 5-10 C, så jag hoppas att den växer till sig nu och slipper frost.

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  2. Our leaves are changing colour rapidly and the heater has come on a couple of night in a row now. The only saving grace to the end of summer is the autumn when it’s too cool for bugs yet warm enough for a walk outdoors and nature puts on a most fantastic colour display.

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  3. It’s still pleasant here, Anna. I think there was snow in Calgary which is out west and further north than us. I don’t want the weather to change for awhile yet, my roses are really liking it.

    Liked by 1 person

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