Challenges, drawings

Morning drawings – morgonteckningar October 3 and 6 2018

Missed the October 3 drawing in earlier post.

Missade tredje oktoberteckningen i tidigRe inlägg.

How to wake up early in the morning? Set a timer on your lamps and create your own sunrise 🙂 That works for me.

Gör det lättare att vakna tidigt på morgonen. Sätt timer på dina lampor och skapa din egen soluppgång 🙂 Det funkar för mig.

The morning drawings are quick ones. Around five minutes, so details are not many.

Tecknandet tar ca 5 minuter, så jag hinner inte med några detaljer.


5 thoughts on “Morning drawings – morgonteckningar October 3 and 6 2018”

    1. All is well, but I do want to find more time for blogging and drawing right now. Too many must do things to do though…
      I hope all is well over at your place too 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Ahh .. Anna, I do the opposite to you. Alarm plays soft music and my bedside lamp is not too strong. Proves we all are different and yet so many things we share.
    The musts will wane and you will draw again.


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks! It’s so interesting to hear about all our differences. That’s makes us all unique. If we all were the same it would be boring and competitions would never end!

      Liked by 1 person

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