Pastel paintings, Trosa is the place

Hitta ut – Find out

Jag har provat på en aktivitet som Trosa har infört i år, men som finns även på andra orter. Hittaut heter aktiviten som går ut på att leta efter checkpoints som har placeringar på 50 platser i bygden. Det går att gå till alla punkter och en del går att cykla till. Kolla om din ort också har hittaut. Ett trevlig sätt att komma ut i friska luften och att röra på sig.

My town have an orienteering activity this year. You have to find 50 checkpoints around the in the city and nature. It’s a fun way to get out walking or bicycling. Maybe your place has something similar. In Sweden there’s many places with this activity called Findout in Swedish.
It’s a little bit like geocaching I think but without gps coordinates.

If you’re in Sweden you can find information at


8 thoughts on “Hitta ut – Find out”

    1. We’re quite alright here in our area. We’re close to Stockholm though where’s there’s trouble in many ways. We’re a small town with not so many people around at the same time, so most times we can avoid risk factors in shops and other places. We haven’t lockdown bit we’re careful and keep distance. If people are responsible maybe open up is a good idea. If they’re not it’s a bad idea maybe. It’s a scary thing that invisible enemy. I hope you are alright 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. We are alright so far but we are in lock down. I go out once a week to get food. My husband stays at home because they don’t want too many people out at the same time. There are lineups at the grocery stores. They only let so many people in at a time and we are spaced apart while waiting. Most of us wear face masks. I also wear glasses and gloves. I pay our bills on line and we don’t go out for much else. Lucky for us we have a front and back yard so we are able to go out without a problem. The weather is still rather cool -it’s only 6’C. Take care and keep safe and healthy.

        Liked by 2 people

        1. Take care wishes to you too. We’re okay so far with people around us that take this seriously. But we see those who don’t and that’s sad.

          Liked by 1 person

  1. Good to hear all as good as it can be for you in Trosa. A beautiful colour painting. Here, in Spain we have been very locked down but not a problem for us in our woodland home. Before this a group of us were enjoying art classes with our artist friend Ruth. I have just used one of her paintings on my blog! Keep well and sharing your art and hope nature can be more looked after soon too.

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    1. I hope nature wins. Many people here in Sweden have found out nature beauty lately. They can go there by themselves get fresh air and avoid crowded spaces. So maybe more people understand how important nature is.

      Liked by 1 person

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