What ever

Skunkkalla vid Tullgarn

A post I did last year, but this goes for this year too.


Just nu vallfärdar Trosabor till Tullgarnsområdet där skunkkallan just nu står i full blom.
Jag har ingen kolla på exakt var, men det kan ni säkert luska reda på själva genom att fråga er fram.

En verkligt minnesvärd upplevelse att se säger de som sett de gula praktblommorna i skogskärret där de står.

Ta en utflykt till Tullgarn om ni vill beskåda naturens mirakel.

Lysichiton americanus in Tullgarn

Right now Lysichiton americanus are in full bloom in a forrest area near Trosa.

A truly memorable experience to see, say those who have seen the yellow splendor of the flowers in the forest marsh where they stand.

Take an excursion to Tullgarn if you want to view nature’s miracles.


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8 thoughts on “Skunkkalla vid Tullgarn”

  1. Anna
    MAJ 21, 2016 KL. 11:10 F M
    Thank you for the information. I wasn’t sure if they still were in bloom. Couple of weeks ago I heard that they were not in bloom yet, so I thought they maybe were now. They are beautiful, but the smell is not so nice:)


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