Nature miracles, Reblogs, Trosa förbifart/Infart Västra

Nature, Music and a Few Other Things

“This is what new developments for the 21st century should look like – big new roads are so last century!”
Watch the video and feel the hope for a bright future. The new big road politicians in my town don’t get that we’re in the 2000 century and they will never talk or think like the people in the video in this post. They are too much in love with a big land owner, also from last century thinking. And while your visiting the original post, check out all beautiful photos too/Anna



This post incorporates a King’s Lynn walk but also features plenty of other stuff.


This morning I reblogged a post by Anna about the folk of Trosa and their continuing fight to preserve their nature from greedy road builders. I start this section of the post with:


The small village of Balcombe, West Sussex (and having done a walk in that part of the country some years back I can confirm that it is indeed small) was targeted not so long ago by fracking villains Cuadrilla. Not only have they beaten back the frackers, they are on the way to becoming a solar-powered village. Please watch the video below for more:

This is what new developments for the 21st century should look like – big new roads are so last century!


Although it was not terribly inviting outside I…

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