
Look after my mother – Ta hand om min mor

Found a book from 2012 and started to read. What a beautiful story even if it’s sad in some moments. But there’s also so much caring for family members in the story that brings some kind of comfort in thoughts of the goodness of mankind. Read the story if you find the book somewhere. Great author.

Jag hittade en bok från 2012 och började läsa. En vacker berättelse med sorgsna drag på sina ställen. Men också så mycket omtanke för familjemedlemmar som ger en tröst i tankarna på människans goda sidor. Läs boken om du hittar den någonstans. Författaren har skrivit en god bok att döma av den svenska översättningen. Den kanske är ännu bättre på originalspråk för den som förstår att läsa den versionen.


12 thoughts on “Look after my mother – Ta hand om min mor”

    1. I hope you find a book to read. I found it special in many ways and it’s possible the book moves you emotionally.


          1. I have no doubt that my friend and I will enjoy it. I’ve also orders a copy for a relative back in the states. I’m sure it is one she will enjoy. She is a retired librarian a d book 📖 lover ♥. Thanks again.

            Liked by 1 person

            1. You’re welcome. Talk about books. I remember you asked about good Swedish authors. The Nobel Price winner Selma Lagerlöf from the early 1900 century is still worth reading if you want to get a picture of old Sweden life’s. Many things she wrote are still up to date. That’s a very interesting read.


            2. Thank you. I shall look for her work. I’ve already read series of four books about a family of early immigrants to America. I believe the author’s name was Morberg. Fascinating.

              Liked by 1 person

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