What ever

Fössta tossdan i mass – Fisst Thussday in Massch

Today it's marzipan cake day for everyone who likes a Swedish county called Småland. They talk Swedish without rs and replace it with ss instead. First Thursday in March becomes Fisst Thussday in Massch. Marzipan becomes massipan. Someone came up with the idea to make something fun about it and thought a marzipan cake day… Continue reading Fössta tossdan i mass – Fisst Thussday in Massch

Digital paintings, drawings

Surprise cake day

Out of the blue came a surprise cake day. So today was a good day indeed. We had nothing special to celebrate more than life itself and that's a good reason for cake. Grab in while it's still some cake left 🙂 Happy Friday to you all! Anna