
4 reasons I love blogging

If I could express myself better in english I could have written this. But someone else, far better than I, write it so well in this post and I agree with every word and all 4 reasons 🙂

welcome to my little piece of quiet


Writing and maintaining a blog can be challenging. Some days inspiration strikes hard and there’s so much to write about. Other days, its hard to get motivated, or you just can’t think of the right topic. Too often I get distracted by the busyness of life and the blog gets forgotten. Its definitely a labour of love but I’ve really enjoyed the experience so far. Here are a few reasons I love blogging:

1. I’m an introvert.
I express myself best through writing and my writing is far more polished than my speaking. I can choose the perfect words to convey the exact meaning I’m trying to get across. I share more of myself online than in person. It may take years for me to share some really personal things with someone face-to-face. I’m far more comfortable writing about them on my blog. And connecting with people online isn’t as physically…

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