Yellow fellows

For love of our planet/Av kärlek till vår planet


Can you imagine a life without clean water?

I can not.

What would lack of water do to me?

Would I be so kind to share with others, if I found water one day?

Or would I keep it all to my self?

I don’t know the answer.

People in Brazil live with theese questions daily right now.

i’ve got a link from a friend to a newspaper article about the situation.

We’re lucky that’s not us this time, but who’s next?

How much time do we have left for saving our planet from our own stupidity?

Can we be better in sharing food, water and living places among each other?

This is another way to look at mans impact of the planet:

Julia Roberts is Mother Nature — Nature Is Speaking

Kan du tänka dig ett liv utan rent vatten?

Jag kan inte det.

Vad skulle brist på vatten göra med mig?

Skulle jag vara så vänlig att dela med andra, om jag hittade vatten en dag?

Eller skulle jag behålla allt för mig själv?

Jag vet inte svaret.

Människor i Brasilien lever med dessa frågor dagligen just nu.

Jag fick en länk till en tidningsartikel om situationen.

Vi har tur att torkan inte drabbar oss denna gång, men vilka står på tur?

Hur mycket tid har vi har kvar för att rädda vår planet från vår egen dumhet?

Kan vi bli bättre på att dela mat, vatten och boplatser mellan varandra?

Detta är ett annat sätt att se på människans påverkan på planeten:

Julia Roberts är moder natur – Natur talar


15 thoughts on “For love of our planet/Av kärlek till vår planet”

  1. I’ve thought for a long time that we have a responsibility to leave a better and cleaner world to our great grandchildren who have yet to be born.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. There are many groups that do not have clean water. I am grateful for the Christian organizations that with donations are digging wells like Gospel for Asia. It is a serious problem.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Extreme thirst is a horrifying experience. When under stress and deprivation what’s inside us is what comes out. If there is kindness and compassion inside then yes you will share the water, If not then no.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Great post . I am surprised Water security is not topping the main agenda. World leaders really need to address this more. The shadow of death is follows close by. What are we going to do if/when we run out of water. I know..We are all going to drink a pint of cyber.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aaawwwrrrr! Why do man keep hurting the earth and by that also hurt mankind in such ways. We are NOT the most intelligent creatures on earth, as we often claim. We are the most stupid creatures instead!

      Liked by 1 person

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