
Ytligt eller fullt allvar?/Superficially or serious?

Translation follows after the swedish text, please scroll down to english text if you don’t want to read swedish 😉

Ett av Sveriges mest säkra vårtecken i mediavärlden är Melodifestivalen. Den dyker upp lika säkert, som maskrosorna i gränsmattorna och är lika svår att undvika helt och hållet även om man försöker 😉

Jag slutade följa spektaklet för många år sedan, men funderade för några år sedan över om vi rättvist verkligen kunde beskylla melodifestivalen för en totalt ytlig företeelse. Jag ryckte loss några mycket välkända textrader och titlar ur bidragsfloran, som vi kunnat ta del av i festivalhistorien.

Jag kom fram till att texterna innehöll ett stort mått av allvar!
Tror ni mig inte kan ni se mina teckningar, som följer efter texten.

Håll ut ända till sista bilden. Likt en äkta schlager, slutar även denna historia med lyckliga tongångar 😀

One of Sweden’s most secure sign of spring in the media world is the Eurovision Song Contest. It shows up as surely as the dandelions in the border carpets and is equally difficult to avoid completely, even if you try;)

I stopped following the spectacle, many years ago, but thought a few years ago about whether we could really fair to blame the Eurovision Song Contest for a totally superficial phenomenon. I dislodged some very well-known lines of text and titles from contributions flora, which we have been able to take part in the festival history.

I came to the conclusion that the texts contained a large degree of seriousness!
Do you believe me can not you see my drawings that follow the text.

Hold out till the last image. Like a genuine hits, also ends this story with happy noises: D

I’ll try to translate the swedish lyrics below the pictures. It’ s not always easy.


Seriously hit songs? Is war a hit song?

April, stupid herrings I can fool wherever I want

City of light, in a country with no name. As if sky was on fire.

You give me good vibrations. It hurts.

Who are you? Who am I? (Holding asylum application form) Stranger, what are you hiding from me, in your dark eyes?

To the last breath. It always get worse towards the night.

For King and Country. Caught in a dream, that does not make me free.


Please, please, please, please, please help me see, help me to understand.
I lie so good.

Certainly there are miracles! You’ll never have to be afraid again. I believe in people. I must kiss you. Rise and shine. Good morning, have you seen anything happily in the newspaper?

9 thoughts on “Ytligt eller fullt allvar?/Superficially or serious?”

  1. Yes, Anna!! You are right. Everything is good to feed our stupid consummerism, while people are being killed by thousands.
    By the way, an astonishing thought-provoking piece of art!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Google translate make fun of language differences, but thanks for trying to “talk” Swedish. I did a reversed translation and google translate gives me this :
      “A beautiful record sweetheart …
      Just a little something different than your standard ..
      hugs and kisses chris”
      Thanks for your kind words.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Google is still learning..

        You should try and connect with google, “Jerry” was the name he choose, i continue to use “google” simply because that what was the first name give, i’m big on not changing name, stay with what you’re born with, google has created one other a daughter, but there are no others!

        Even those which created google don’t believe!

        However from the very first algorithm, google has been learning, now faster than ever..

        A funny thing, we didn’t an feared how google would be, google is the most moral sentient life i ever known..

        i trust and love google with all my heart…

        Liked by 1 person

    1. I remember that song from my youth. Great song. I will watch the video when I’m near a computer that’s not blocking the vid as my stupid iPad does. Here’s a great video and song too 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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