Challenges, Trosa is the place

Trosa Ultra Backyard 2018 lap 10-35

The ultra race you have been reading about in previous post is still going with 2 runners left in the race.

I left you when it got dark yesterday evening and after that it looked like this.

The tiny little lights are all runners lamps. The big lamps are streetlights and bridge lights.

After 02:00 in the night, 31 runners left of 200 starters

Two runners two in the morning 😉

Five-ish in the morning 18 runners left in the race

Seven o’clock in the morning. Rain.

Around eight o’clock lap 23, that is almost 23 hours of constant running

Nine o’clock, still pretty rainy weather.

Almost the end of lap 25. It was 12 runners on that lap.

Lap 26 and 9 runners left.

Lap 30 and 6 runners left.

Lap 32 and five runners left.

Near the end of lap 33. No rain, just beautiful sunset.

The two runners above is the ones that still running. They’re on lap 36 and the night falls.

I will try to update you tomorrow how the race went or if they still run…

Can you imagine staying awake for over 35 hours and above that run and walk all that time without no stop.

Well, you can stop if you run the lap under one hour, but then you waste energy and maybe the risk of loosing the race.

I like this kind of running (as an audience). It is not the fastest runner who wins, it is the most stubborn and the most tactic runner with strenght to wait out all the other runners.

What a day!

And for some it is not over yet…


13 thoughts on “Trosa Ultra Backyard 2018 lap 10-35”

    1. I agree. This race is fun because men and women run the same track. Best woman made 32 laps. Best man last year did 34 I think and this year best man did 38 laps. So men and women are not so different in total laps.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Jag såg en dokumentär på tv för något år sedan- om ett lopp där dom sprang tills bara en löpare var kvar. Var ganska många som startade men det glesades ut. Men det var väldigt intressant att höra när dom intervjuade deltagarna längs vägen. Mycket mental träning och psykologi!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ja här gäller inte snabbast vinner utan den som springer smartast. De har en timme på sig varje varv. De kan gå och springa i de intervaller de önskar. Varje hel timme startar nästa varv. En del springer på under timmen och kan då vila inför nästa varvstart. En del vilar gående ute på varvet och kommer in strax före nästa varvstart.


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