
To point finger at something/att peka på en spricka

A rerun of a post from 2015. En repris av ett inlägg från 2015.

When someone try to get our attention, because of an obvious upcoming crisis, how often do we not listening? Instead we are occupied with tell the pointer to quit pointing. Stop shouting and be like the rest of us. Normal and quiet and nice. Don’t fuss.

What if we’ll be so occupied with shutting down the pointer, that we don’t notice an even bigger catastrophy is coming behind us. We will then don’t know what’s hits us.

Think about that next time you try to quiet someone who you think is to loud about a difficult problem, that you don’t want to know more about.

Or maybe you are the one who points important issues out. Don’t give up. You are indeed needed if your point is right 🙂

När någon försöker påkalla vår uppmärksamhet inför en tydlig hotande spricka, hur ofta struntar vi i att lyssna? Kanske använder vi i stället vår energi till att försöka dämpa den personen. Försöker få lugn i lägret och återanpassa personen till den lugna tysta icke-upproriska tillvaron som rådde före sprickans uppkomst. Ber personen att inte stöka och bråka i onödan. Utan att på något enda vis definiera vad onöda innebär.

Tänk om vi gör oss så upptagna av att dämpa de som pekar på verkliga sprickor att vi missar de ännu större katastroferna, som lurar bakom oss.

Fundera gärna en stund på det nästa gång du försöker dämpa någon som lyfter svåra problem och vill visa på allvaret med dem. Även om du helst inte vill att någon påminner om sådana obekväma frågor.

Eller kanske tillhör du dem som faktiskt står och pekar på sprickor och får utstå just denna proteststorm mot ditt initiativ. Ge inte upp. Du behövs, om du pekar på rätt sprickor och vill värna om en medmänsklig lösning 🙂


33 thoughts on “To point finger at something/att peka på en spricka”

  1. Interesting thoughts. It is more difficult to listen than to talk. And some people don’t ever seem to manage to learn that difficult skill of listening 😉

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Oh, I know about that. People often call me crazy when I say I see what’s up, but sometimes they do say you were right long time after they realized they should have listened earlier.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. I too am all so very familiar with the “crazy” label. Anna, your drawing is worth a million words. You are an infinitely wise woman.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. The Reading Cottage: The Platform For Books, Feature Articles, Book Reviews, Interview, Culture, Lifestyle , Entertainment says:

        Anna, I really like your articles. I have said over hundred times, instead of pointing fingers at people, accusing for the destruction of the world, we should rather take upon ourselves to restore our nation’s dignity.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. I find that from my experiences as a psychotherapist and life experience that those pointing fingers are trying to cover up their own issues… 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Exactly, and I don’t understand why people don’t see that. I think it’s rather obvious, but when I sometimes try to set light to a upcoming problem people don’t listen until it’s to late. Then they say, we should have listen to you. Next time I do the same thing, they do the same thing, not listen first and then say we should have listen…

      Liked by 1 person

      1. In a word, it is called DENIAL. Yes, it is more complex but that is what it boils down to. Look around you, how many really take responsibility?


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