What ever

Fössta tossdan i mass – Fisst Thussday in Massch

Today it’s marzipan cake day for everyone who likes a Swedish county called Småland. They talk Swedish without rs and replace it with ss instead.

First Thursday in March becomes Fisst Thussday in Massch. Marzipan becomes massipan. Someone came up with the idea to make something fun about it and thought a marzipan cake day would be nice way to celebrate the county Småland.

Småland is known as an emigrant county. Many people emigrated to America back in the days. Abba-Bjorn and Benny made a musical out of Vilhelm Mobergs Emigrant epos.

Back to cakeday. I don’t know if you can see this Swedish news outside Sweden:


Fössta tossdan i mass innebär marsipantårtadag för de som gillar Småland. Kolla nyhetsinslaget så får ni se hur ni kan göra en tååta 🙂

Jag gjorde en egen variant av massipantååta utan massipan på grund av mandelallergi. Massipanen består istället av kokta rödbetor, mjöl, vatten och lite agavesirap.

I did my own version of massipan cake without massipan. The massipan is made of beetroots, flour, water and some agave syrup. The people with almond allergy can eat the cake.

Tossdagstååta – Thussday cake


8 thoughts on “Fössta tossdan i mass – Fisst Thussday in Massch”

    1. The cake was delicious, I can tell. When I want green “marzipan” I use spinach instead of beetroots. At Halloween time, I use carrots 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  1. En av mina småländska kollegor bjöd på “massipantåta” till eftermiddagskaffet i torsdags. Den här dialektfrasen blev uttalad flera gånger den dagen 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Wow, what a creative twist on marzipan cake day! Using beetroots instead of almonds is genius, making it allergy-friendly for everyone to enjoy. Småland’s traditions sure know how to inspire some delicious innovations!

    Liked by 1 person

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