Challenges, Digital paintings, drawings

#inktober 8 and 9 2023 toad and bounce

Toad bouncing I couldn't resist drawing a toad bouncing as answer to the #inktober prompts toad and bounce. När jag insåg att temat för #inktoberdagarna 8 och 9 gick att kombinera tog jag chansen. En padda som studsar på studsmatta. The toad reminded me of a lovely video from the golden eighties. We all stand… Continue reading #inktober 8 and 9 2023 toad and bounce

Blogging, Challenges, Digital paintings, drawings, Music inspiration

#Inktober 2016 #inktober 9 Broken

When I saw the #9 intober prompt Broken I didn't know what to draw. All that was stuck in my head was a song from 1995 by the Swedish singer Sophie Zelmani I'd be broken from her debut album. So I did a drawing of a singer.  If you want to hear the song… Continue reading #Inktober 2016 #inktober 9 Broken