Trosa förbifart/Infart Västra, Trosa is the place, Trosa paintings/Trosamåleri

Trosa in wintertime

An old painting of Trosa in what used to be our industrial area, but have turned into shopping area the last ten to fifteen years. Some say it’s a good thing and I wonder where our entrepreneurs and their employees shall work in the future. We can not just shop, shop, shop. We have to make a living too. A lot of Trosas working people are dependent on entrepreneurship.

Without possibilities to work in Trosa we have to increase commuting and that’s not a smart way to take care of our planet. Today we can walk or take the bicycle to work. That’s not possible if more of us has to work outside Trosa. 

Our politicians thinks it’s ok to increase commuting, but I don’t get why people should want to move here if they then have to leave Trosa five or six days a week and be somewhere else most time of the days when they are awake.

We have old traditions of living near our work, so why change that when it’s a smart way to decrease pollution and save time?

But, I’m like Winnie the Pooh, I don’t have a large brain 😀


20 thoughts on “Trosa in wintertime”

  1. I agree being able to work in the community you live in is perfect. Unfortunately we are now a glboal world but that shouldn’t make difference. We should still be able to live and work local and still be global.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Agree and there’s a local company here in our town that works global. So they prove that it’s possible to work in the town you live in and still work with the whole world.


        1. Agree. We have little men who thinks they’re big as politicians and not so many women. Maybe that’s why they do so much wrong 🙂


  2. You’re wrong Anna. Your brain seems to work just fine. The politicians and powers to be are the ones with little brains. They have a one-track mind, with either money or power being it.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I agree. But sometimes you think you maybe got something wrong when too many listen to the little brains politicians instead of their own minds 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Anna, I have a song about that called “The Quarter Man”. You are absolutely right. We need industry and innovation, other wise we are just going to be standing on the corner with our hand out stretched. I’m going to put this song out on Friday. It’s a beauty!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Good point. Looking forward to hear the song on Friday. One of the companies in our town is working worldwide, so they prove that it is possible to work and live in the same town both for owners and employees even if your a big company.

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  4. Anna, everyone has to commute here, it has been a long time since there was a choice. I used to live in a town of 101 people but had to come to the city for work but even here you can’t live in the city it can still be a long commute.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Interesting. There’s a company here in our town that proves that it is possible to have a global business and still work from our little town of about 4000 people living here. You don’t have to go to a big city to have big business. I find that interesting:)


      1. No you don’t the nearest tows to me had 4000 + and they had all sorts of business my problem was I had epilepsy, was banned from driving and there was no public transport so the big city of 4,000,000 was the option where i could live in walking distance – albeit 5 km of work – O and our town was not connected to the mainland except by a small ferry and then a 13km hike or hitch into town.
        Australia is still a wasteland once you get out of the larger towns.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Interesting. In my town we are about 4000 people living and 10000 in the whole municipal. Most of the commuting is by car, but also bus and train. Our politicians keep building for increasing car commuting instead of increasing bus and train commuting and possibilities to work near home.


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