Photographs, Trosa is the place

An afternoon in Trosa in January

Marzipan place – shop and cafe – handmade marzipan in Trosa
Marsipangården – butik och café – handgjord marsipan i TrosaA very nice place if you want to buy chocolate and marzipan or have a cup of coffee, tea or hot chocolate:)

The little red house in the picture is Trosa’s oldest house. In 1719 the russians burned down the whole Trosa town and right after that this little house were built.

This is a classic Trosa view from Trosa river/creek and a part that almost look the same as in the late 1800 centrury. Still not destroyed by our clown politicians as many other parts of Trosa.

The Spring don’t seems to be that far away with 4-5 degree C and some rain. The afternoons around four o’clock is now a little brighter than a couple of weeks ago.


28 thoughts on “An afternoon in Trosa in January”

    1. Thanks. It’s pure joy to take a walk in our little town this time of year. No tourists in the way 🙂 but it is nice when they arrive in the Summer though. “Pling”


    1. Snow is great at Christmas, but after that…hmmmm…not so great. But with the warmer weather here comes rain and wind, not so funny either. But it’s better than coldness!

      Liked by 1 person

  1. I really can imagine to sit in this beautiful cafe and enjoy a cup and some choc.
    Add some snow and your right in the middle of a fairy tale. Still beautiful without the snow

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you. Sorry for not being able to visit your blog lately, I like it, but I don’t have much blogtime right now, so I do short visits whenever I can 🙂


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