Nature miracles, What ever

Apple chips/äppelchips


This is not an i-product from Apple 😉

It is me in the kitchen making apple chips from our apple tree. Ingrid Marie apples.

Koka vatten och lite socker tills sockret har löst upp i vattnet. Låt lagen svalna. Skiva äpplen med skalen kvar i tunna skivor. Lägg i lagen och lyft upp på en plåt. Torka i ugnen på svag värme ca 80-100 grader C. Det tar 3-5 timmar att få dem torra och krispiga.


Boil water and a little sugar until the sugar has dissolved in the water. Let act cool. Slice apples with the skins left in thin slices. Add the Act and lift up on a plate. Dry in the oven on low heat for about 80-100 degrees C. It takes 3-5 hours to get them dry and crispy.

Really Good!



54 thoughts on “Apple chips/äppelchips”

            1. My grandmother said that cows are wise. She was wise, so I believe her, but I don’t know any cow or donkey, so I can’t have an opinion. I Swedish we have a saying “stupid as a donkey”. But I don’t think they’re stupid. They are probably smarter than humans 🙂

              Liked by 2 people

            2. My grandfather talked to the animals. Horses, cows and even a buzzard. They came when he called. He didn’t even have to raise his voice.

              Liked by 2 people

  1. My mouth is watering over the apple chips…they were always made in December and were a nice, healthy treat! I think I’ll make some – thanks for sharing the recipe!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Sorry, my translation help won’t help me with this one. I’m lost, please give me a clue, I want to understand 🙂


      1. The Beatles-the Fab Four, called the girl fans who hung around the Apple offices waiting for a glimpse of them the Apple Scruffs. It was a term of endearment, coined I think by George.

        Liked by 2 people

  2. jag gör mina superenkelt! Skivar in huldas skivare med skal och allt- lite kanel- in i ugnen! 4 timmar senare- vips!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Det måste jag testa! Jag hittade tack vare ditt äppelsnack min gamla blogpost om äppelchips och repostade den, så jag ska komma ihåg att göra dem. Men än sitter vinterfrukten kvar på trädet.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Mina är nu slut!!! Ska se om jag hittar någonstans att palla! 😉 ( det har man ju inte gjort sedan barnsben! Hänger du på! 😉 )

        Liked by 2 people

        1. Självklart hänger jag på. I låg- och mellanstadiet hade vi alltid roligt när vi gick hem. Då gick vi äppelpallarvägen. Vi valde att gå förbi de hus som hade äppelträd i trädgårdarna. Vi var rätt mätta på äpplen när vi kom hem de dagarna!

          Liked by 1 person

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