Nature miracles, Photographs

They know Spring is here

Swans, geeses and lapwings know Spring is here. Svanar, gäss och tofsvipor vet att våren är här. Anna


Anna artwork at age 12

I found a watercolor painting that I did at the age of 12. I remember I was happy that the swan actually looked like a swan. I wasn't happy over the background though. I can't believe I remember that so many years later. This was 1982 and today it's 2018. Anna

Challenges, Nature miracles, Photographs

I wish I knew…

...what the ring on the swan feet says. Where have this bird been?  Today the swan took a nap and a food searching round in our area. I hope we will see the swan again and try capture closer pics. I wanna know what that ring says. We have another bird wearing a ring that… Continue reading I wish I knew…