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Söndag i sängen/Sunday in bed

I read a post over at Sonofabeach96 that got me thinking of a Swedish song by a group called Bo Kaspers Orkester (Bo Kasper Orchestra). The song is called Sunday in bed and it’s sort of the same feeling that Sonofabeach writes about.

Go read his post and you’ll see:

Ya ever have one of those days? One where you’d just as soon not have to deal with the world? The feeling that it would be so much easier if only you could stay comfortably numb, snuggled into your cocoon. Safe, warm, unaware, and ambivalent to the comings and goings. Protected from all the insects, […]

Gimme shelter

This is the Swedish song:
Söndag i sängen Bo Kaspers Orkester

Lyrics by Bo Kaspers Orkester:
“Jag hör hur de vaknar på gatan där ute, hur de trampar och skyndar sig bort i förmiddagsregnet, som jag har låst ute, för hos mig är det bonat och gott!

Klockorna kommer med kloka förslag, de menar man måste… men nej. För trots att det borde vara onsdag idag är det söndag i sängen hos mig.

Bryggaren puttrar, jag dukar en bricka. Det blir smulor i sängen, än sen! Sjukintygspapper; sånt borde man skicka, men imorron är jag botad igen… och ringer dom hit nu så svarar jag väl, men hur dom än manar så nej, för trots att det borde vara onsdag idag är det söndag i sängen hos mig.”

Google translated

“I hear they wake up in the street out there, how they trample and hurries away in the morning rain, I have been locked out, for with me is the carbonate and delicious!

The watches come with sensible proposals, they mean you have to … but no. For although it should be Wednesday Today is Sunday in bed with me.

The brewer simmer, I cloths washer. There are crumbs in the bed, so what! Sick note paper; like that ought to send, but tomorrow I’m healed again … and call them here now so I respond well, but how they than men so no, even though it should be Wednesday Today is Sunday in bed with me. ”



My sea in december 2013
My sea in december 2013ä

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