Blogging, Photographs, What ever

Sorry for not being around that often

Hey all of you. I'm sorry for not being around your blogs lately. So many must do things in the way right now. When I have done my posting for the day, the time is gone and I missed the opportunity to visit your blogs.  Hej alla bloggvänner. Jag har inte hunnit besöka era bloggar… Continue reading Sorry for not being around that often

Trosa is the place, What ever

Still nothing – that wasn’t the idea

This is so embarrassing. In previous post I showed you a picture of an empty street. My plan was to take some pics of the old cars cortège and show them to you in this post. That was a bright plan until one and a half hour later when I realized there was not gonna… Continue reading Still nothing – that wasn’t the idea

Blogging, Challenges, Digital paintings, Music inspiration

Hey yesterday I was six years old!

Can you believe it? It's been six year since some of us first met here at our nice kittle blog corner of the world. Then we have became a huge number of friends here. It's so nice to see you all here. I wish I could hang out here more often visiting your blogs. I… Continue reading Hey yesterday I was six years old!


How on earth did this happen?

Stats are a fun thing. If you blog for increasing stats you might find this interesting. If you blog for fun and meet new nice wp friends then this won't interest you a bit. When you begin  your blog journey the stats are interesting. How many read your blog? From how many countries? What do… Continue reading How on earth did this happen?

Blogging, Challenges, Reblogs

Blogger Recognition Award

I've got a lovely nomination from Thomas at aspiblog. I'm usually have very little time for awards, but sometimes I find a little time to answer, so here my answer goes: These are the requirements for those who wish to participate in the Blogger Recognition Award: 1. Show your gratitude to the person who nominated… Continue reading Blogger Recognition Award