Blogging, paint on rocks, Reblogs, What ever

Be my angel :)

Today I have absloutely nothing to say. Or I have a lot to say, but I don’t have the time. Can you please help me filling this post with content? Leave a comment or two and we can get this post started.

You can write whatever you want as long it’s nice things. Don’t be rude. This is an art blog that tries to share the joy of creativity. If you’ve been here before then you know the atmosphere 🙂

Be my angel today and save me from stress by filling this post with interesting and fun content 🙂

Inspiration to this post comes from Melanies post:




26 thoughts on “Be my angel :)”

  1. Angels, in the early morning

    by Emily Dickinson

    Angels, in the early morning
    May be seen the Dews among,
    Stooping — plucking — smiling — flying —
    Do the Buds to them belong?

    Angels, when the sun is hottest
    May be seen the sands among,
    Stooping — plucking — sighing — flying —
    Parched the flowers they bear along.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Ohhhh and my heart is just absolutely breaking for her as well. I’m crying for her every day. I know her well, and I’ve been trying to lift her up and give her all of the love that I can.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. I have a great video coming out on Friday. It features the song O Rio Negro, which is one of my favourites. I sing it in my attempt at Portuguese. It was inspired by our trip to the Amazon.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Anna, thank you for the special mention! 😘 💋 ❤
    Allow me to say this….
    I feel utterly blessed to know you and count you as one of my angels. You’re a truly beautiful person with a heart of gold. I love you and I wish to squeeze you and smoother you with kisses some day! My hubby and son love you as well. Your art and words bring us all so much joy, and we cry tears of happiness and overwhelming emotion, every time you illustrate our lives. You are cherished, more than you can ever know. I love you. 💖 💜 💛 💟

    Liked by 2 people

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