Trosa is the place, Trosa paintings/Trosamåleri, What ever

Trosa Church – Stairways to heaven

A few years ago Trosa parish decided to renovate the roof of the church. They decided to put copper of the roof.

During the same time, we could read about many copper thefts around Sweden.

How would we look at the Church’s decision to add copper roof of the church?

A brave decision, or foolhardy and risky decision? Could the costs difference of copper and tin roofs have been able to go to the helping work instead?

Anyway. The church conducted the roof work and for a long time container supplies stood in the parking lot in front of the church. On the roof was a ladder, which pointed straight up into the sky.

I wanted to capture this time specific Trosa view. But I also wanted to have a little fun with the famous Bible quotes.

On the containers, I have written where to find the copper and also written a warning, the Bible quote says “thou shalt not steal”. It also says “Lead us not into temptation” (to steal copper)

On one of the lights outside the church says “Let there be light”.

The church escaped the Russian ravages in 1719, which otherwise meant that virtually the entire Trosa burned down. Only a few buildings survived.

Trosa kyrka – Stairways to heaven

För några år sedan bestämde sig Trosa församling att renovera kyrkans tak. Man slog på stort och bestämde sig för att lägga koppartak.

Under samma tid kunde vi läsa om många kopparstölder runt om i Sverige.

Hur skulle vi se på kyrkans beslut att lägga koppartak på kyrkan?

Ett modigt beslut, eller dumdristigt och riskfyllt beslut? Kunde mellanskillnaden för koppartak och plåttak kunnat gå till hjälpverksamhet i stället?

Hur som helst. Kyrkan genomförde takomläggningen och under en lång tid stod containerförråden på parkeringen framför kyrkan. På taket låg en stege, som pekade rakt upp i skyn.

Jag ville fånga denna tidsspecifika Trosavy. Men jag ville också skoja lite med berömda bibelcitat.

På containrarna har jag skrivit var man finner koppalagret och också skrivit en varningstext, i bibelcitatförkortning. Bakom bokstäver och siffror står det “du skall icke stjäla”. Det står också “inled oss icke i frestelse”(att stjäla koppar)

På en av lamporna utanför kyrkan står det “varde ljus”.

Kyrkan klarade sig undan rysshärjningarna 1719, som annars innebar att i stort sett hela Trosa brann ner. Bara några få byggnader klarade sig.


Trosa kyrka/Trosa church

10 thoughts on “Trosa Church – Stairways to heaven”

    1. It’s a terrible story, but some of the russians actually stayed around Trosa, in a little cottage. They liked the countryside near Trosa. We still have a piece of land called “Russia” outside Trosa city.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you. And even if the russians burned us down in 1719 I think our Swedish Vikings did the same thing around the world very long ago. So we’re not all good through history even if we like to think so sometimes 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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