Pastel paintings, Trosa paintings/Trosamåleri

The Scream, Anna version

In my town, Trosa, we have a spot on a bridge that look very much like the background on Edvard Munch’s The scream (Skriet). Well maybe just in my pastel painting, but anyhow. Here it is.

This time it’s not Edvard Munch and it’s not Norway.

It’s Trosa Sweden in our harbor from the Edanö bridge without the scream. Just nature and a little bit of a bridge 🙂


Trosa Edanöbron skriet

12 thoughts on “The Scream, Anna version”

  1. I have seen a few different versions of The Scream in Oslo and also some paintings with the same people in the background. Your painting is something Edvard didn’t think of doing – no people! Good idea 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

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