Photographs, Trosa is the place, What ever

Trosa at dawn in December

This is what my little town Trosa looks like in my neighborhood at dawn in December.

I wish I could have shown you a picture of Aurora Borealis this evening. They say the northern light can be seen even in the middle and south of Sweden. I haven’t seen any light so far. I wish to se our nothern light some time. But I live in the middle of Sweden and northern light doesn’t show up often here.


25 thoughts on “Trosa at dawn in December”

  1. Probably light pollution. Back in the 1950s, people could see them from the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul, but by the time I moved there it was very rare–it had to be an extraodinary display, and even then we saw it in a toned-down form.

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  2. Happy New Year Anna. Do you think you could do a favour for me? A young, 12 year old black boy was murdered by police in the US and the policeman that did it got off. The Cuyahoga County Prosecutor, Timothy McGinty was behind this shameless deed. Would you consider sending them an email just to let them know that the world is watching? They have a website and contact information if you google Cuyahoga Country Prosecutor you will find it. This is the email I sent them:
    Mr. McGinty, how can you justify what just happened in regards to a 12 year old boy, Tamir Rice? The world is looking and it is horrified at this injustice. Until justice prevails it will happen again and again. This is just wrong and deep in your heart you must know this.
    Leslie Martel

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    1. You’re right. We call the star something too, but I’m not good at the stars in the sky even though I love them, so I don’t remember the name right now. Sorry 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. What a nice view. Still no snow? Wow we finally got some this week :/ Oh well. Life is still fantastic! When my son and I lived in Northern Michigan we could occasionally see the Northern lights. I live in the extreem Southern Wisconsin now so there isn’t any chance to see them here. Have a Fantastic New Year!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I doubt I will ever see the Surora Borealis but I would certainly love to. Great picture none the less. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I’ll be back to see what you are up to!

    Liked by 1 person

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