drawings, Reblogs, Trosa förbifart/Infart Västra

Ska vi betala för att förstöra natur? Should we pay to destroy grand nature?

Mötesplats 0156 pågår en diskussion om hur kommunen riskerar att utsätta invånarna för ännu högre skuldsättning om politikerna väljer att fortsätta med projekt förbifart. Projektet hotar att öka kommunens skulder ytterligare och dessutom förlorar invånarna stora ytor allemansrättslig natur att ströva fritt i. De två minusposterna kan aldrig bli ett plus för invånarna. Besök sidan och inlägget och läs och delta i diskussionen om du är med i fb.

On the fb page Mötesplats 0156 there’s a discussion going on about how the new big road through Trosa grand nature will increase the municipality debts. Not only do the politicians increase the economical risks, they will also decrease the possibility for the citizens to walk in nature. Those two minus posts can never be plus for the citizens or the climate issues. If you read Swedish, please visit the fb page and join the discussion.

Jag gjorde en teckning för några år sedan som knyter an till ämnet.

I did a drawing a couple of years ago on the subject. It’s about how we are about to pay for something that don’t give us anything in return. In Swedish we call that to buy the pig in the bag.


16 thoughts on “Ska vi betala för att förstöra natur? Should we pay to destroy grand nature?”

    1. Yes they do! All they seems to seek is their own grandiosity. They could be grandiose in a good way by saving nature instead of building unnecessary roads, but they don’t get that. They think they will be bigger and more grandiose by destroying nature. That’s sad.

      Liked by 2 people

        1. You are right. We are trying to tell where they money goes, but some people have a hard time understanding that the project will benefit only one person that already got zillions of money.

          Liked by 1 person

            1. Me neither. But it can have something to do with a Swedish cowardness that means a kind of anxiety to have an opionion. It’s very irritating when people don’t have the guts to stand up for what they think. We are after all a free speech country, but we are so afraid of harm each other with different opinions. It’s not the best side if us. And it gives idiots, narcs and psychopaths christmas time everyday.

              Liked by 1 person

  1. Unfortunately I am a monolingual Englishman, so cannot benefit from reading the Swedish stuff, but I can see clearly enough to say it makes no sense to incur financial debts in order to spend what some writers call “enivronmental capital”. Failure to recognise this will see both Trosa people and those of us elsewhere on this planet lose out, the former twice over.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. You are so right about that. We should preserve nature and decrease pollution, but our Trosa politicians still seems to live in the 1900’s and do the opposite.

      Liked by 1 person

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