Pastel paintings

Cinnamon bun day October 4 2017

Kanelbulle/cinnamon bun (pastell/pastel) 100 sek

Today is a gret day in Sweden. It’s cinnamon bun day.

I eat two homemade buns today and they tasted very good. I like this day a lot 😉


22 thoughts on “Cinnamon bun day October 4 2017”

  1. The low-calorie version right? LOL If I had realized, I could have made some but perhaps the weekend. My neighbours always appreciate such things. 🙂

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      1. They are lovely and I’ve made tons of them. However, these days I’ve gone gluten free and while I can create something similar, they just don’t make the cut. But I still enjoy baking when in the mood and my neighbors are glad to see me coming with a plate of baked goods… Now it is all about that smile they have. 🙂

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        1. Non gluten baking is difficult sometimes. I have made good things non gluten, but I haven’t tried how to make cinnamon buns gluten free. There must be a way to do that. Now you got me thinking. Thanks! I have friends that I bake gluten free things to, so I must figure out how to make buns.

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          1. These days I don’t bother. First off, I don’t have a sweet tooth so don’t eat sweets. Second and more importantly, I have so much fun delivering the and exchanging them for a smile! 🙂

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          1. It’s the last day before Lent. The original idea was to use up all that good stuff they weren’t supposed to eat during Lent–presumably by making pancakes of it all. The religion’s drained out of it, but the pancakes are left.

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            1. Sometimes I wonder if food is are true religion. Christmas in Sweden is almost all about food except for the big present issue of course, but very litte about x-mas is about Christ nowadays. So maybe our religion is food, we just don’t know it yet.

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