Music inspiration, Reblogs, Trosa förbifart/Infart Västra

Getting No Where Fast by swo8 Blues Jazz from the album Osaka Time in iTunes

I agree with Leslie. We need to find another way to transport ourselves and things in the future. We don’t want it like this, or do we? Visit original post for comments/Anna


I had to go to the inner city today and was caught up in the proverbial traffic jam. Of course this song came to mind. I’ve been in traffic jams in China, India, Paris, Tunisia, Greece, Italy,  Boston and all over Canada (just to name a few). You would think with all the tecnology we have we would have solved one of the most basic problems of today. Well we haven’t and it is just getting worse. This is a universal problem. Self driving cars aren’t the answer. We need to teleport. So here is my song dedicated to traffic jams. 1:40 min.

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