Trosa is the place

Trosa stadslopp 2018 – Runners in Trosa streets

First there’s nothing but a beautiful summer evening around 21:00

Then people start showing up waiting for something to happen.

First thing happening is a leader car and some bikers that means something else is coming.

The winner of the running race with 200 meters left to finish line.

After the elite group comes the elite of amateurs.

People cheer and carry each runner with their voices and applauds to the finish line 200 meters away.

Still runners in the race.

Everyone gets good backup from the audience. It is a very friendly atmosphere.

Some of those who finished the race on their way back home before everyone has finish. We’re still waiting for the last hero.

Can this be the last one?

Nope. It wasn’t. Here comes the two final heroes.

After that comes the follow car.

Race is now almost over.

Streets are empty again.

What a lovely evening in Trosa. Earlier in the evening there was races for youth and little kids. So everyone could participate in some of the races.

That’s nice I think.

Read more at Trosa Stadslopp.


15 thoughts on “Trosa stadslopp 2018 – Runners in Trosa streets”

  1. Intressanta bilder och jag ser att du inte missade mig. Det var ett härligt lopp med publik som hejade, spelade och gjorde vågen när man passerade.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tack. Vad roligt att höra ett utlåtande om loppet från en som faktiskt sprang loppet. Vi lata människor står ju bara och tittar på. Men det är jättekul att se alla som deltar. Det finns så mycket energi, kämparkraft och glädje som strålar ut från löparna. Så tack för att ni löpare gör loppet så roligt att se på.


    1. No, this is a 25 minutes race for the elite and about an hour race for the rest of the participants. My little town is filled with happy people this day. It’s so nice.

      Liked by 1 person

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