Challenges, drawings

Morning drawings – Morgonteckningar #inktober 28 2018

#intober 26 GIFT

This is life with HSP High sensitive person gift. You’re a big antenna and you catch up millions of impressions daily that you have to sort out in the end of the day. It can be a pain but also a gift. 

Så här ser livet som HSP högsensitiv person ut. Du tar in miljoner intryck per dag, som du sedan behöver lång tid att sortera. Det kan belasta dig mycket men kan också hjälpa dig förstå och se det som andra inte omedelbart uppfattar och förstår. Du kan helt enkelt ligga lite före andra som inte har den “gåvan”. 

Gift in Swedish is “gåva” but “gift” in Swedish means poison or married. I wonder who came up with the funny idea to have the same word for poison and married?


10 thoughts on “Morning drawings – Morgonteckningar #inktober 28 2018”

    1. HSP is a term for high sensitive person. That basically means you feel things about five times stronger that “normal” people. What people usually experience in five hours high sensitive persons experience in one hour. I can’t read people’s minds. I just feel in my surroundings in every little detail. It takes many hours to sort all that impressions out after a day.

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