Challenges, drawings

Morning drawings – Morgonteckningar #inktober 28 2018

#intober 26 GIFT This is life with HSP High sensitive person gift. You're a big antenna and you catch up millions of impressions daily that you have to sort out in the end of the day. It can be a pain but also a gift.  Så här ser livet som HSP högsensitiv person ut. Du… Continue reading Morning drawings – Morgonteckningar #inktober 28 2018

Introvert/extrovert/HSP, oil paintings

I’m like a princess :)

Today I read in the paper about the norweigan princess that is hsp (highly sensitive person). She and a friend has written a book about it. Idag läste jag i svd att den norska prinsessan tillsamman med en vännina har skrivit en bok om hsp (highly sensitive person) The hsp thing can be a big… Continue reading I’m like a princess 🙂