Reblogs, Trosa förbifart/Infart Västra, What ever

Vi behöver alla bli planetskötare!

One of my Save Trosa nature friends has written a new post about how we all need to think about taking care of our planet.
It’s in Swedish, but I did a google translation for you here. But please visit his blog to if you like this post 🙂 Anna

“We need to curb global warming now! It is the collective research agreed. The situation is serious. “We believe that the planet suffered a slight cold, when in fact it has been affected by cancer,” so expresses Johan Rockström, professor of environmental science, situation. Rockström says that we all need to become planetary attendants. We need to care for nature and the conditions that we have to live in harmony with our environment, without contributing to global warming and the catastrophic impact of climate change may well result.

When it comes to Trosa – a small municipality, in a small country, in a small part of a big world – how can we help? Yes Problem with pretty much. We can benefit from the scale, we have been developing a good example of how a community can act on a climate and sustainable development. See how we care for natural resources, for current and future residents. How do we take the global challenges and the turnover of our local perspective. We think globally and act locally, to quote the old but insightful expression.

The biggest issue from a sustainability standpoint right now in Trosa is the issue of road project Bypass Trosa. The risk is significant to the municipality in this matter is entirely lost. We fall into the category of “Inadequate plane attendants”. Establishing the bypass would not only be extremely expensive (we’re talking about over 100 million! SEK 110 million is the latest bid!). It would mean that we are losing open landscapes, ecological processes, arable land and many other qualities that we now have our near-urban environment. Simply the wrong way for the planet, to take measures to increase the traffic volume and climate emissions. As good as the plane attendants, we should instead fear for our farmland, our ecological processes and, not least, the silence and tranquility that today actually found in the natural landscape between Vagnharad and Trosa.

I hope that decision-makers in Trosa want to listen to John Rockströms radiotalk from 13 July 2015. It is the first link below! With inspiration from it so could candid conversation about sustainable development for the municipality initiated. Would it not be a wonderful scenario?”

Hållbar väg för Trosa

Planetskötare eller inte, beskurenOch vi behöver bromsa den globala uppvärmningen nu! Det är den samlade forskningen överens om. Läget är allvarligt.“Vi tror att planeten drabbats av en lättare förkylning, när den i själva verket har drabbats av cancer“, så uttrycker Johan Rockström, professor i miljövetenskap, situationen. Rockström menar att vi alla behöver bli planetskötare. Vi behöver vårda naturen och de förutsättningar som vi har för att leva i harmoni med vår omgivning, utan att bidra till den globala uppvärmningen och de katastrofala följder som klimatförändringar annars kan medföra.

När det kommer till Trosa kommun – en liten kommun, i ett litet land, i en liten del av en stor värld – hur kan vi bidra? Ja med ganska mycket. Vi kan med fördel av den skala vi har utveckla ett gott exempel på hur ett samhälle kan agera för en klimatsmart och långsiktigt hållbar utveckling. Visa hur vi vårdar naturresurser, för dagens och…

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