Blogging, Digital paintings, drawings, What ever

Speak Swedish part 2

Today you gonna learn a Swedish word you’ll never forget. I can almost promise you that.

It’s not a difficult word, nor a long one with lots of letters to remember.

It’s a word linking other words together and in that meaning it do no harm or do not upset anyone.

But when we single out that word, then the misinterprets begins or makes us blush or laugh.

It’s really just a number in it’s real sentence.
But it’s our also both yours and ours word for….


Our number six is in Swedish SEX!


We are funny, aren’t we?



32 thoughts on “Speak Swedish part 2”

  1. Ha! How my friends laughed at this in primary school soon after we moved to the UK. Of course, as s six-year old or sex-årig I really did not get the joke then. My friends still remember this lesson though!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Now it is a word if it wasn’t before 🙂
      Here’s another Swedish word for you: kayak is in Swedish kajak. That isn’t so difficult ha?

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Wonderful! I’ve got pages from an ancestor who went from Sweden to America and crossed the plains. She kept this journal and my great aunt gave me copies of a number of the pages and fortunately the translation. I have thought about expanding what I have into a story but we shall see. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

      1. That was the case for my dad’s family. They started over in the late 1800’s and as you said, some returned and some stayed. When I get ready to go for it, I may need a bit of advice (mainly cultural) if you know anyone who might be interested. I doubt it would be before late spring or summer…?

        Liked by 1 person

          1. Can you think of any books about young Swedish women of that era that might be available in English? It might give some insight in to how she was raised. 🙂

            Liked by 1 person

            1. Vilhelm Mobergs
              The Emigrants (novels) – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

              are a national treasure in our litterateur. I have read them all and they are awesome and tells all about the late 1800 centrury in Sweden and in America.

              The wikipedia info says that the books are translated to English.
              I really hope you can find the. To read about young Kristinas life is something I think you would enjoy.


              Liked by 1 person

            2. I shall get to it. Of course I would want to read them and if you think of anything else but this sounds an excellent starting point. I’m not sure where it will go, the format or anything else yet but it is simmering. Alas, I am in the second hundred pages of a first draft on a novel so… it may take some time. 😦 Léa

              Liked by 1 person

            3. That will be appreciated. My grandfather was Emmor his father Peter Ruben if I have the spelling right. The documents are tucked away right now.

              Liked by 1 person

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